Top: Vogue 8572 in chartreuse linen/Polyester/Rayon blend (blogged here)
Trouser: Vogue 9537 in brown fine wool and fully lined with Sunsilky made in 2006. This is the same fabric as my skirt on Day 2.
Jacket: Vogue 7975 (again)
Accessory: Diva
Boots: Nine West
I find with my jacket on all day (yes I can drive, type and file in this jacket) I am very comfortable and usually only need a singlet as well (am I showing my age) to make my day very comfortable.
The trousers have been worn for a few hours in this photo so all those lovely creases are due to sitting, but I hope the vertical pulls on the leg is from the boots catching the trousers, will need to look at this. I have used this pattern for all my trousers you will see and as my body shape has changed, they are starting to look not as good (from the back, but a lot lot better than RTW) as I would like them to.
I have a pattern from a Wild Ginger ready for me to cut out a toile and see how they go as my results on my previous attempt showed me that I need to do a bit more work.
However I still need to make a few more tops.
wow, the color in your top is fantastic. You really put together nice outfits.
Great outfit and color combo. The jacket is wonderful.
Great outfit Sharon. The color combination is awesome.
"I have used this pattern for all my trousers you will see and as my body shape has changed, they are starting to look not as good (from the back, but a lot lot better than RTW) " Although you are much slimmer than I am, I find your observation to be accurate for me as well. But, already knowing what my issues are, after all the skeleton isn't changing that much just the padding, refitting goes very quickly. BTW, I don't think these look bad at all and as you acknowledged, they are far, far better than any RTW.
You look very smart. That would be a perfect winter work outfit for Queensland - I shall copy it slavishly, once I get around to my Chanelish jacket. I will have to hunt down some of that gorgeous green blouse fabric first!
Looking quite professional for day 7.
This combination looks great on you Sharon.
Great jacket - and you've proven it's functionality. Very nice.
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