There were approximately 178 vendors attending and a lot of the teachers had their own stalls and were on hand to talk to or assist you.
See the brick wall way at the back, that is where some of the seminar rooms were and where Vogue Fabrics had their fabric stall set up, with different fabrics being added daily:
When I organised my classes I was concerned how I would survive 4 days arriving at 8am and leaving late, and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to fill the day between attending classes, visiting the various vendors' stalls and finally being able to meet my Internet sewing friends.
I had some wonderful classes during the 4 days and there was something from each of them that I have noted in this cute note book that we received at our first class on day 1.

- When making a shirt/blouse, clip the top and bottom of the collar, collar stand, yoke and centre back of shirt and centre front fold lines (Marto Alto). I know I only clip some of those areas on one edge and Marto showed how the extra clipping sped up her sewing of the shirt/blouse.
- Your neck binding for a knit top is the same length as your neck edge but seamed at 1.5cm except for a mesh binding which is 2 1/2" (6.3cm) smaller (Sandra Betzina).
- When you press your bias strip in half, remember to remeasure it as it tends to stretch (Sandra Betzina).
- Facings - pin front facing to neck edge and clip shoulder seam, pin back facing to neck edge and clip shoulder seam, then sew facing shoulder seams matching the snips and your facing will fit perfectly to the neck edge (Patti Palmer) - this has always given me grief.
- Button loops, sew these in place on paper to ensure your placement is correct and then put the paper in between the fabric and facing and stitch, the paper pulls out (Connie Crawford).
- Fancy Seams - Ron Collins showed us a pair of linen pants that were lined with silk organza to help the "wrinkle factor". I will be using this technique as I love linen, and I am sure others have documented it, I will once I get around to making the pants.
- Have you ever had difficulty in tyring to figure out what colour you can put with the chartreuse garment that you have in your wardrobe? Visit the hardware and pick up 1 or 2 of the Inspired by Colour charts, they have a lot of very good ideas of colour groups (Sandy Miller).
Now I have to figure out how to get back their in a few years time :)